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Keynote Speakers


Elpub Conference invites three outstanding scholars to explore the bibliodiversity challenges and promises in academic publishing : 














Robert Cartolano is the Columbia University Libraries Associate Vice President for Technology and Preservation. 

Rob is a graduate of Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, and has been a member of Columbia’s staff since 1986, when he joined Academic Information Systems as a programmer/consultant.

He held the roles of Manager of Academic Technologies and Senior Director of Client Technology Services for Columbia University Information Technology, where he supervised the development and deployment of the campus-wide learning management system, printing system, electronic classrooms, public computing facilities and email applications.

Since joining the Libraries in 2007, Cartolano has supervised the development and implementation of digital preservation storage, the opening of multiple digital centers, Blacklight-based unified discovery, ReCAP shared collection services, digital library collections, copyright advisory services, and digital project management.

Rob serves as Treasurer of the DuraSpace Board of Directors, is a member of the Lyrasis Leader’s Circle and plays leadership roles for the Fedora and VIVO community-based open source platforms. 

Rob is currently coordinating efforts to Imagine a Better Academic Ebook Experience, leveraging open standards, interoperability and community-based open source.



Sustaining an Open Scholarly Ecosystem with Community-Based Open Source

Institutions around the world have turned to community-based infrastructure to address the challenges of the scholarly ecosystem. Leveraging the benefits of the open ecosystem including but not limited to open source and open data, it is increasingly possible to develop innovative services at scale.  Organizations such as HathiTrust, DuraSpace, Lyrasis and others have achieved a level of success in supporting community-based projects that meet the needs of hundreds of institutions.  This talk will summarize recent successes, challenges for today, and emerging opportunities that can help to accelerate our collective efforts to support an open scholarly ecosystem.













Dominique Boullier is a Professor of Sociology, member of the Digital Humanities Institute at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland).

Dominique Boullier holds a PhD in Sociology (EHESS) and Infocom, and a Master of Arts in Linguistics. He is an expert in Digital Technologies, especially in Social Networks, Politics of Digital Architecture in Organizations, Digital Cities and Digital Methods in social sciences.

He published many papers, surveys and books on the practices of readers, on print and digital formats. He published on this topic, in 2018, Le livre-échange (C&F éditions, with M. Le Béchec et M. Crépel).

He founded and directed a company in the 90’s and many labs, including the Medialab of SciencesPo (together with Bruno Latour) and LUTIN Userlab (a test beds in user experience).

He published a manual, Sociologie du numérique (Paris, Armand Colin, 2016), and many papers on a theory of replications and how to track propagations in order to build a third generation of social sciences.




How circulation of books generates value through replications in the digital and non digital worlds

Stocks are now challenged by flows in libraries and in the socal life of books in general. However the flows are too often restricted to logistics issues or to online conversations. Our surveys and observations on the circulation of books (literature or scientific ones) emphasize the critical role played by collective activities of discussion, exchanges, critics, comments, annotations, and gifts, either on print or digital versions of the publications. Publishing and curating should now focus on enhancing the creativity of readers who become contributors and generate replications of contents, thus favoring an unexpected kind of bibliodiversity. 



Lucy Montgomery will be our Keynote speaker as part of the HIRMEOS workshop, a side-event that will take place on 2 June at ELPUB venue. Learn more here



















Associate Professor Lucy Montgomery leads the Innovation in Knowledge Communication research program at the Centre for Culture and Technology at Curtin University in Australia. She is also Director of Research at KU-R.

From 2013 to 2016, Montgomery was a key member of the small team responsible for developing and successfully piloting Knowledge Unlatched: a globally coordinated, collaborative model for enabling OA for specialist scholarly publications at scale. Knowledge Unlatched is now the world’s single largest marketplace for OA scholarly books and services.

Montgomery’s research focuses on the ways in which open access and open knowledge are transforming landscapes of knowledge production, sharing and use, including in China.

Her most recent, collaboratively authored, book Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing Universities is now open for community review MIT Press.



Don’t talk to me about metrics! I write books!

Quantitative measures of the ‘quality’ and ‘impact’ of research publications present real challenges for HSS scholars. Citation counting, impact factors, and h-indexes all have their origins in the measurement of scientific journal articles. In spite of the fact that monographs are a form of publication that is both respected and valued in the Humanities and Social Sciences, books are poorly captured in citation and altmetrics databases. At their best, these databases provide partial information about the existence and uses of books. At their worst, they become a source of damaging, misinformed comparisons between the performance of scholars working in very different fields. It is little wonder, then, that the mere mention of metrics to a room full of monograph authors generally elicits a collective groan!

In this talk I argue that quantitative approaches do have something to offer communities that value scholarly books. Changes in scholarly communications landscapes are making it possible to capture the digital traces of scholarly communication in new ways. Rich information about who connects with HSS books, and how books are found, used and discussed, is becoming available. As it does, authors, publishers and institutions are being presented with new opportunities to understand the role of books in increasingly digital communications landscapes. They are also gaining access to new sources of information that might help to inform publishing, marketing, and promotion strategies.

Recent developments in metrics for scholarly books are presented – including collaborative work now underway through the HIRMEOS metrics project. Particular attention is paid to how authors can make the most of changing possibilities for monograph metrics.